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GU Votes

GU Votes is a student-led initiative working to enhance the voting culture at Georgetown by simplifying the voting process, increasing turnout rates among students, and directly integrating voter registration into the university ecosystem. Thanks to these efforts, Georgetown University now makes voter registration available on “MyAccess” and also promotes voter registration through annual Storm the Dorms programming. With the help of GU Votes, student turnout rate increased from 61% in 2016 to 79.4% in 2020. Overall voter registration rate also increased from 87.4% in 2016 to 93.1% in 2020.

Join the team

Join the Team

Interested in getting involved with GU Votes? We welcome students, student organizations, faculty, and staff to join our voting coalition by filling out the form linked below. If you have a specific question or voting-related issue, please email voting@georgetown.edu and a team member will get back to you as soon as possible.

GU Votes event with students and computers to register to vote

Join the team

Student Voting FAQ

What is GU Votes? What is the Georgetown Voting Coalition? How do Georgetown students vote? What does voter engagement look like on campus? How do I register to vote and request an absentee ballot? These questions and many more are answered in our FAQ.

GU Votes students working at a table.

Meet the team

Meet the GU Votes Student Team

GU Votes is run by great student leaders! Learn more about who they are and their roles within GU Votes.

Students tabling for GU Votes.

Storm the Dorms

Storm the Dorms

Each September, GU Votes celebrates National Voter Registration Day through their Storm the Dorms initiative, targeted at getting freshman and new students registered to vote. The event is successful in reaching dozens of students as they first join the Hilltop.

Students tabling for Storm the Dorms.