Headshots of all five recipients against an indigo background.
Category: Press Releases and Announcements

Title: Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service Announces 2024 Alexis and Laurence Pelosi Endowed Internship Fund Awardees

The 2024 cohort was selected from a highly competitive pool of current undergraduate and graduate Georgetown University students


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service at the McCourt School of Public Policy is honored to announce the 2024 cohort of the Alexis and Laurence Pelosi Endowed Internship Fund. 

The Fund, established through a $100,000 gift from Alexis and Laurence Pelosi, provides financial support for undergraduate and graduate students at Georgetown pursuing unpaid internships or internships that provide a nominal stipend in the fields of politics, public service or media.

The 2024 cohort and their respective internships includes: 

Madison Fox-Moore (C ’26), Intern, Oswego County District Attorney’s Office

Jada Fraser (MA ’25), Intern, Japan Desk, Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy

Shitong Liu (MPP ’25), Intern, World Bank Business Ready Project

Hilary Orozco (C ’26), Legislative Intern, Office of Senator Chuck Schumer

Darius Wagner (C ’27), Intern, Workplace Equality Program, Human Rights Campaign 

“Too many people today feel that politics and public service are too inaccessible to them,” said Mo Elleithee, Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service. “Thanks to the Alexis and Laurence Pelosi Endowed Internship Fund, we’re excited to help break down some of those obstacles for these students. I look forward to seeing what they do with this opportunity.”

The selected awardees will receive $3,000 in funding to support their living expenses, including housing, transportation and food. They will also have access to enrichment opportunities through workshops conducted by professionals in public service. 

The Institute of Politics and Public Service hopes to continue providing students with the appropriate tools and resources as they go out into the world and make impactful contributions and explore their own pathways into politics and public service.